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PLUS special Introductions and Q&As from Ken Weiler!

Ken Weiler, a former Staff Sergeant in the United States Army with the Department of Engineering and Military Science at Fort Belvoir, Virginia also was the legislative liaison NCOIC with the Army's SAFEGUARD anti-ballistic missile program at the Department of Defense at Arlington, Virginia. He has written several learned articles on historical preservation and identification, is a member of the Hanover Historical Society (PA) as well as Co-Chairman of its Museum Committee. He is also a Trustee of the Eisenhower Society in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania as well as a volunteer curator at the Eisenhower National Historic Site, also in Gettysburg. He holds degrees from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. He currently resides with his wife in Hanover, Pennsylvania.